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An old telephone scam is making a resurgence in Indiana communities: the jury duty scam.

Here’s how it works: You get a call from someone claiming to be with court staff or law enforcement. They inform you that you failed to report for jury service and will be arrested unless you pay a fine immediately. The thieves may convince you to purchase a prepaid card to make the payment, in order to obtain your cash without being traced. One Indiana consumer recently paid $800 to a jury duty scammer.

The jury duty scam is just another trick fraudsters use to get cash fast. Don’t fall into their trap.

If you get a call like this, hang up immediately. Attorney General Greg Zoeller said a caller demanding an immediate payment over the phone should raise a big red flag, especially if they are using fear tactics like threatening jail time. Being asked to use a pre-paid card to make a payment is also a common sign of a scam. Government offices will never use these tactics.

If you are targeted by the jury duty scam, report it to the Indiana Attorney General’s Office by filing a consumer complaint online at or by calling 1 (888) 834-9969.

In 2014, the Attorney General’s Office received 20 reports from consumers about the jury duty scam.

Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller reminds Hoosiers to sign up for Indiana’s Do Not Call list to help deter unwanted calls. If you are on the Do Not Call list, and receive an unsolicited call, it is likely a scam. Sign up for the Do Not Call list by visiting or by calling 1 (888) 834-9969.